Friday , 27 September 2024


Is emotional cheating worse than physical cheating?

Being cheated by your partner is a heart breaking experience, but is an emotional affair worse than a physical affair? What is Emotional Cheating?  Emotional cheating happens when one of the partners spends time, attention and intimate emotion into someone other than their partner. It typically occurs when one of the couples feel disconnected and has unfulfilled emotional needs and …

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Why Are Roles For Minorities Limited?

The issue of race within the world of film and television has been a much discussed topic over the last few years. With more and more calls to end the Hollywood trend of whitewashing, it can be hard to believe this is still an issue in 2017. But while we look to the news and see the rising tide of …

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Do Celebrities Use Shows To Regain Their Careers

Sometimes a well known celebrity just disappears of the face of the earth for some reason or another.  Private reasons, can’t get the work, they just don’t want fame at that time, for whatever reason. But they always seem to come back, is this done by them appearing on shows like, dancing with the stars, I’m a celebrity get me …

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