Friday , 27 September 2024


Top 10 Infamous Reality TV Stars

Take a look at a comprehensive list of the top ten infamous reality TV stars put together by WatchMojo. These ‘now-celebs’ kept us glued to our TVs week after week. They didn’t all necessarily have stellar reputations, but they were witty and made good TV. Watch and see how these reality TV cast members became stars.

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How to Juggle Casting Opportunities with an Existing Job

If you’re struggling to make it as an actor, you understand how hard it can be. It seems like your life is taken over with auditions, endless casting calls and of course, your real paying job. Unless you’re incredibly fortunate to be earning enough to survive without picking up extra work, managing the two together can be a real challenge. …

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How to Stay Positive When You Don’t Make It

Tips on How to Stay Positive When You Are Not Contacted For the Second Round of an Interview Being rejected, or not called back for the second round of a Reality TV interview can severely dent your confidence, especially after a nice and amazing first interview. It can be a very stressful situation if not handled properly, it can lead …

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Top 10 Craziest Real Housewives of Atlanta Moments

When you have a show full of rich housewives who love drama, you bet there’s going to be heck of a lot of drama! Mojo has also included the hilarious phrase NeNe screamed at Kim, “Close your legs to married men!”, the sassy clapback Kenya dropped that is “I am gone with the wind fabulous”, and that time Phaedra Parks …

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