Friday , 27 September 2024


How Legit Is It All?

How Much is Real and How Much is Made Up? Of course a lot of it is a Scam – but the fact is that the best reality TV isn’t entirely fake either. For a scene to work there’s got to be a grain of truth about what’s happening. But what the program makers tend to do is inflate it …

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How To Become A Leader

Not all of us are born leaders but with a little knowledge and practice, you can develop the skills necessary to lead your team to success. Here are some simple guidelines you can use throughout your day to develop the proper mind-set to become a great leader. Always show respect. As you go about your normal day, be mindful of …

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How Long Should You Wait To Introduce Your Partner To Your Parents?

Have you been into a relationship for quite some time and the moment has finally arrived to draw the affinity closer to a finer relation? Well, congratulations to you on that! It takes a great toll for many to decisively reach to the positive end of a healthy affair. Introducing your partner to your parents is often considered to be …

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